About Me

Hello everyone! We have essentially created this blog to keep our family & friends informed through out our journey of becoming parents! The more information we collect regarding the process of adoption the more stressful, restless & helpless we become; nonetheless, we know and are reminded that we are here to serve a much greater purpose! Again, thank you all for your support but most importantly your prayers. Blessings to you always, Matt & Jenn K.


I think God showed up in a classroom

WOW! My has it been a long time! My last blog post was over a year ago & trust me when I say a couple hundred wild and crazy events have happened along the way. But that is for another blog another day. Nevertheless, it's a joyous homecoming to be tapping the keys once again.

On October 25th, 2012 (Thursday) I celebrated by second anniversary of being 29 ;) Our church reached out and asked for volunteers that specific day for anyone interested in reading to an elementary school in West Dallas. I couldn't resist and immediately replied with an enthusiastic "absolutely!" What better way to spend the morning of my birthday than to give a gift rather than receiving gifts. I began to pray over the unassigned classroom, praying for the starving hearts of these second graders. I began to wonder if God was sending me into one of the worse DISD schools, on record, for a specific reason. My mind began to wrap itself around the opportunity of ministering to these students or stamping some sort of impact on their hearts. My excitement escalated at that point! "YES! This was a test from God to see if I would lay down my selfish plans for a greater good and so far I've passed!!" I boastfully exclaimed to Matt. He smiled and agreed. We had snacks, juice boxes and book markers to hand out after I read the two books. Man-O-Man, we are about to bless some kiddos today!

There were 20 second graders gratefully greeting us as soon as we entered their portable building. The teacher, who we were told was named Mrs. Harris, turned out to be a substitute teacher for Mrs. Harris. Ooo, even better! I had a sour taste in my mouth, a slight hesitation towards Miss Substitute Teacher. As she dismissed them row by row to join me on the reading carpet, every student approached me with an introduction followed by a hand shake. How sweet and polite! As we settled in, I asked a couple of questions as an "ice breaker" sort of thing. For instance, what are you going to be for Halloween? Oh man, the arms flew quickly into the air eagerly waiting for their turn to share. One little Hispanic boy told a quick story of how he ended up with 5 costumes. He brazenly told of his father who, I suspect, cleans up rented houses after the tenants break their leases. Furthermore, he added that while cleaning up this one particular house, his father came upon 5 abandoned Halloween costumes. His eyes lit up as if on Christmas morning. He also displayed this erratic dismay of indecisiveness as to which costume to wear. Two things I thought while listening to his story:

1. WOW! This kid totally accepts who he is and who his parents are and what they do! I remember being weary of sharing who my parents were and what they did because I never wanted to come across as this misplaced brat who should be in private school. That brave little soul just spoke to my insecurities loud and clear!
2. His excitement and complete anxiety as to which costume to wear. He started out with Zero, with withered hopes of even receiving 1 costume and now he has 5! God was present that day his father cleaned that house. Who knows what the little boy prayed for regardless God knew the desires of his parents heart and that was to be able to provide for their son and that all came to fruition.

Yeah yeah.. you might say. That's a stretch. But I went in this classroom with an open heart waiting to see God move some mountains...by using me as a messenger. Oh wait!! It get's a 'lil better.
So as I continued to call on these spectacular students this one boy sitting right at my feet, who was also touching my toenails and shoes complementing both, kept shouting out out of turn, "I AM SMART!" Not boasting nor stating, but simply informing me. I gave him the acknowledgement that he craved and replied, "YES YOU ARE!" Once I started reading and turning the pages I would pause for a few seconds and ask a question pertaining to the characters of the book. Every single question was answered by the one and only "I AM SMART" guy! This kid would even hesitate to answer allowing for others to take a shot, but when the room was met with silence he proudly gave the answer followed by the statement, "see..I told you I was smart." "Yes you are," I continued to edify. And reassured the rest of the class that they too were smart. (Insert spooky, 'here comes the monster' music) The substitute about had enough with his comments of "I AM SMART" so much that she told him to hush every time he would state his truth. It finally lead to a separation from the rest of the class sitting next to her in the back. :(
The experience was great. I even had a little girl tell me how pretty I was and that I had Barbie hair! Tickled my heart some shade of Barbie pink!

So, I don't know if I made an impact or not. I don't know if these kids experienced some sort of immaculate epiphany, however, I left there being and feeling impacted.

3 days later I was moved by some reason to start blogging again. UGH.. I'm still a tad bit emotional and jaded from this last adoption fail and I do not want to come across as a bitter, depressed lil chickadee. I don't know what to blog about. I completely ignored the urge to blog and turned on the good ole tele. I watched Oprah's lifeclass with Pastor Joel Osteen and the topic was "I AM.."
As women we often say statements such as, "I am fat, I am broke, I am unworthy, I am losing my mind, I am tired" etc...
My mind immediately grabbed the memory of the little boy at my feet, you know, the "I AM SMART" guy? Like I stated above, this kid wasn't boasting about it or stating it, and at the time I thought he was informing me of his kid-genius. Turns out, he was just standing in his TRUTH. He was claiming and accepting of who God made him, along with the little Hispanic boy. They wore their Truth's that God placed in their fist sized hearts and just wanted to share it with me. God did not blow His breath to create life of mediocrity, shame, depression, insecurities, fear, jealousy or abandonment. He created life so that we could live it to it's fullest. We are none of those things. That is just what the enemy wants us to hear and believe; he is a kill joy. How uncomfortable are we women, men too, to state the truth of "I AM BEAUTIFUL?"  Is it because we feel as though we aren't, are we comparing ourselves to others who are the stereotypical definition of beautiful? Or is it because we are scared of what others may thing of us when we say, I AM BEAUTIFUL? Fearful of judgement, fearful of the judgement turned into gossip? Remember those are all lies from hell. We all have that "substitute teacher" that wants to hush us up and separate us from the truth. God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7.
I don't know about you but I do not want to be a stereotypical beauty/skinny girl nor do I want to feel like a victim of circumstance or statistic. You are never going to be happy if you keep trying to be someone else or trying to keep up with Jones', more like the Kardashian's, for this generation. Ha! No one can beat you being you. God uniquely made one of everything, hence the struggle of cloning. Our lives take us on unique paths that we often compare our dreary "season" to one's triumphant "season". Those who are living in victory just came out of their God appointed dreary season too. God did not promise this was going to be an easy life, but He did promise that you would come out better than you were before. Wherever you are, that is where you are supposed to be. Nothing ever really happens to you, but things are happening for you! You are worthy and as long as you have breath someone out there needs you.

God did show up in that classroom as I expected. He wasn't worried about working through me to change the lives of others, after all, I mean..He is God, He can do change all by himself! But it was His children that forever made a stamp on my heart!


  1. That was amazing and very inspirational...you are going to be great at this. I know you have had a tough road and it has been a long road but listening to you talk and reading your blogs YOU ARE A MOM!!! To all those out there who need to be picked up to those who need to realize they are BEAUTIFUL no matter what flaws they might have, to this who need to know it's going to be OK!!! I love ya and I will be one of your biggest supporters from afar....

  2. Thanks Heather, you are so affirming in who I am and everything that I do. I count my blessings, and you my dear are one of them!
