About Me

Hello everyone! We have essentially created this blog to keep our family & friends informed through out our journey of becoming parents! The more information we collect regarding the process of adoption the more stressful, restless & helpless we become; nonetheless, we know and are reminded that we are here to serve a much greater purpose! Again, thank you all for your support but most importantly your prayers. Blessings to you always, Matt & Jenn K.


Matt's Blog

    So I'm blogging. Some of you may think that as a man, my wife obviously forced me to write this. Well she didn't. I'm Super Husband.

    So adoption could be one of the scariest things that I never thought would be scary. If that doesn't make sense let me explain. Who would ever think that having someone give you an adorable, squishy, tiny person would be scary? But when you're sitting in a room for 8 hrs having someone tell you about the financial, emotional and legal aspects of adoption, you start thinking "What the what??"  Knowing that the process will take 6-15 months and that time doesn't start ticking until you get your first 25% payment made. Then the mothers first impression of you comes from a profile book that we have to make about ourselves and our life together!?!?

     So I'm thinking "How do I make a career bartender, who rents an apartment sound like someone who should be the father of your kid??" I'm still thinking that so to any of you read this, I'm still taking suggestions. Well the good thing is Jennifer is so amazing with kids that she makes up for my extreme inadequacies. I get to be the giant clown in the room. I know for a fact that there is no one else I'd rather have kids with.

     I know that there is a baby out there for us and I know there's a girl out there silly enough to give it to us. Anyway that's what I have to say about adoption for now.


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