About Me

Hello everyone! We have essentially created this blog to keep our family & friends informed through out our journey of becoming parents! The more information we collect regarding the process of adoption the more stressful, restless & helpless we become; nonetheless, we know and are reminded that we are here to serve a much greater purpose! Again, thank you all for your support but most importantly your prayers. Blessings to you always, Matt & Jenn K.


Oh Dear...

My health is GREAT! I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a couple months ago, but my doctor said that it derives from the adoption process. Pregnant mothers get swollen feet & sometimes gestational diabetes..& I get Fibromyalgia..ehh that's fair enough!  My nerves feel like hot electrical wires waiting to zap my flesh anytime my blood pressure rises but the doctors say that's typical...for me. Moreover, Matt & I are about to celebrate 2 years of marriage...according to tradition, the 2nd anniversary gift is cotton. So I'm thinking about killing two birds with one stone and purchasing cloth diapers. Once Matt is finally potty trained we should have our baby by then and since our monetary status will depreciate tremendously, hand-me-downs will take on a whole new meaning!! ahahaha!

I can't believe my dreams are coming true, a healthy marriage that can withstand the ebb & flow of life & a baby on the way! THANK YOU JESUS!!

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